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Konsepku Kreasindo Jaya here to make your dream home come true. Engaged in the field of construction services, konsepku Kreasindo Jaya is always committed to providing the best service to clients in creating an ideal home. With the support of a managerial owner with a background in civil engineering, all activities at Konsepku Kreasindo Jaya are ensured to be carried out professionally and according to procedures in designing, building and renovating a construction.
Innovative designs, warm relationships with clients, and a foundation of trust and responsibility are the main pillars of my Concept.
Konsepku is here to design and create exclusive spatial art. Together with my Concept, we can realize what you expect.
We create works through innovative designs, warm relationships with clients, and a foundation of trust and responsibility are the primary role models of my Konsepku Kreasindo Jaya.
You only need to choose how the design concept you want. After that, we will analyze the design you want.
The design concept will be designed by our designers so that you can see the visualization of the design as a whole, both from an outside and indoor perspective.
Our team will directly work on the construction based on the existing work contract. We will calculate the cost and budget needed in the development process.

Our Work
We have a creative and experienced team in the field of interior design. We will help you realize a quality interior design.
Planning concepts, ideas, materials, and budgets must be clear and precise. Continuing up to the design realization stage, artisans or artisans in charge of producing to installation must guarantee maximum quality, both in terms of the interior’s appearance and durability/durability.
From The Blog
Our Designers are experienced in Architects, Interior Design & Contractors.
Karpet Layering: Teknik yang Jarang Dipakai untuk Memberi Dimensi pada Ruangan
Dalam dunia desain interior, karpet sering kali dianggap hanya sebagai pelengkap dekorasi atau alas lantai untuk kenyamanan. Namun, tahukah kamu bahwa karpet bisa dimanfaatkan lebih dari sekadar fungsi dasar tersebut? Salah satu teknik yang jarang digunakan namun...
Tips Memilih Lampu Gantung untuk Ruang Tamu yang Elegan
1. Sesuaikan dengan Ukuran Ruangan Pastikan ukuran lampu gantung proporsional dengan luas ruang tamu. Untuk ruangan kecil, pilih lampu yang sederhana dan minimalis agar tidak terlihat sesak. Sebaliknya, ruang tamu besar cocok dengan lampu gantung yang lebih besar dan...
Menghidupkan Ruangan Gelap: Teknik Pencahayaan yang Jarang Diketahui
menampilkan ruang tamu kontemporer dengan teknik pencahayaan modern untuk menghidupkan ruang yang sebelumnya gelap. Dengan kombinasi cahaya alami, lampu gantung, dan LED yang terintegrasi, ruangan ini tampak terang, hangat, dan mengundang. Ruangan yang gelap sering...
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